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Credit for Prior Learning

As an adult student going back to college, you have the benefit of life experience and work experience. This will not only help you in your classes—it may decrease the number of classes you have to take.

Credit for Prior Learning Saves you Time and Money

Reduce the cost of your degree and finish sooner with Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Immaculata University’s CPL program allows you to earn academic credit for learning experiences outside of the classroom.

Immaculata accepts CPL as long as learning experiences are deemed to be at the college level. Generally, 30 hours of training is equivalent to one academic credit. Normally, Immaculata accepts CPL credits of no more than half of a student’s required credits, a maximum of 63 credits for most bachelor’s degree programs. CPL credits are reviewed after a student completes their first term.

CPL is an inexpensive way to get closer to earning a degree. At $10 per credit, Immaculata’s fee is one of the lowest available from any institution. Let us help you capitalize on your past and plan for your future.

Earning Credit

Option 1: Tested CPL

Option 2: Accredited or Reviewed Training

Provide documentation, such as a certificate or letter from an employer or training supervisor, to give evidence of the training you have received. Include the type or title of training, the facility, the dates, clear verification that you have completed the training, and the total number of training hours.

Immaculata University accepts the following types of accredited training:

  • Accredited trade or technical school training
  • Military training
  • Regionally or professionally accredited training providers
  • Training experiences evaluated by American Council on Education (ACE) or National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI)

Option 3: Faculty-Reviewed Learning

Provide documentation, as listed above under Option 2, for experiences such as:

  • On-the-job training
  • Non-accredited training programs

>> Credit for Prior Learning

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Experiences May Include

  • Workplace training
  • Technical/secretarial schools
  • Electronics/computer training
  • Military training
  • Bible school coursework
  • Adult, evening, or non-credit programs
  • Professional licensures

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